Web Browser Methods

Anatomy of a DapDap Component: Web Browser Methods

DapDap Components have access to classic web methods that enable them to:

  • Fetch data from external sources.

  • Cache values to avoid redundant computations.

  • Use LocalStorage to store data in the web browser.

  • Access to the Clipboard.


fetch allows to fetch data from the URL. It acts like a hook. It's a wrapper around the fetch function from the browser behind the caching layer.

The possible returned values are:

  • If the data is not cached, it returns null and fetches the data in the background.

  • If the data is cached, it returns the cached value and then revalidates it.

const res = fetch("https://rpc.mainnet.near.org/status");

return res.body;

Async Version

asyncFetch is the async version of fetch, meaning that it returns a promise instead of a value.

const [uptime, setUptime] = useState(null);

function reportUptime() {
  const promise = asyncFetch("https://rpc.mainnet.near.org/status")
    res => { setUptime(res.body.uptime_sec) }

return <>
  <p> {uptime? `Uptime: ${uptime}s` : `Fetch a value` } </p>
  <button onClick={reportUptime}>Fetch uptime</button>

:::tip In contrast with fetch, asyncFetch does not cache the resulting value, so it should only be used within a function to avoid frequent requests on every render. :::


The useCache hook takes a promise through a generator function, fetches the data and caches it. It can be used to easily use and cache data from async data sources.

The cache is global for the VM, but each cached element is identified by a unique dataKey within each component.

The possible values returned are:

  • null if the cache is cold and data is fetching

  • the cached value while the data is being fetched

  • A new value if new data is fetched.

const status = useCache(
  () =>
    asyncFetch("https://rpc.mainnet.near.org/status").then((res) => res.body),
  { subscribe: true }

return status;

:::info options object

  • subscribe (optional): if true, the data refreshes periodically by invalidating cache.



  • promiseGenerator: you don't return the promise directly, because it should only be fired once. :::

:::tip The fetch method is built on top of the useCache hook. :::

:::note The data is being cached and compared as JSON serialized objects. :::


DapDap Components have access to a simulated localStorage through the Storage object:

  • Storage.get

  • Storage.set

  • Storage.privateGet

  • Storage.privateSet

const [time, setTime] = useState(stored || Date.now()) 

const storeValue = () => {
  const date = Date.now();
  Storage.set('time_now', date)

return <>
  <p> Time Now: {Date.now()} </p>
  <p> Time Stored: {Storage.get('time_now')} </p>
  <button onClick={storeValue}>Store Date.now()</button>


Storage.get(key, widgetSrc?) - returns the public value for a given key under the given widgetSrc or the current component if widgetSrc is omitted. Can only read public values.


Storage.set(key, value) - sets the public value for a given key under the current widget. The value will be public, so other widgets can read it.


Storage.privateGet(key) - returns the private value for a given key under the current component.


Storage.privateSet(key, value) - sets the private value for a given key under the current component. The value is private, only the current component can read it.

:::note Private and public values can share the same key and don't conflict. :::


DapDap Components can write data to the system's clipboard through the clipboard.writeText method.

Writing to the clipboard is only allowed in trusted actions, for example, when the user clicks a button.

const copyToClipboard = (test) => { clipboard.writeText("Hello World!") }

return <>
    <button onClick={copyToClipboard}> Copy </button>
    <textarea className="form-control mt-2" placeholder="Test pasting here" />

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